24 Hour Emergency Service

It’s Air Conditioning Time in Connecticut!

It’s that time of year again; the days are getting longer and hotter and the sound of all the neighborhood air conditioning systems are starting to be more present. It’s air conditioning season! It’s time to start thinking about calling ENT Heating & Cooling and scheduling your annual air conditioning maintenance inspection to ensure the proper operation and optimal efficiency of your air conditioning system. Having ENT Heating & Cooling come out to your home and perform an annual inspection equals a nice cool happy home for you and your family.

After scheduling your air conditioning inspection, we at ENT Heating & Cooling will go through your system and make sure your condenser is clean and operating to the best of its ability as well as efficient. Our technicians will go through your air conditioning system thoroughly and make sure your system has proper charge of refrigerant because even the slightest over or under charge can lower your system efficiency and in turn cost you more money to run. Another key part of your inspection will be to replace your air filter which believe it or not can affect your air conditioning system working harder that equals higher electric bills which you know as well as I do no one wants especially at today’s prices.

Finally when we are all done our technician will discuss with you how well your system is operating whether it’s working as efficient as the day it was put in or if it needs some additional work to get it back up and running to your as well as our expectations.

So give ENT Heating & Cooling a call and set up your appointment today and have a cool summer!

HVAC Rebates Allow CT Homeowners Affordable Central Air Conditioning

Current HVAC rebates available through UI, CL&P and Wallingford Electric allow qualifying homeowners a $250 rebate. Couple the CT HVAC rebates with the 2013 Federal (Energy Star) tax incentives available and suddenly, central air conditioning is affordable for Connecticut homeowners. Installing a new air conditioning system or heat pump system may qualify you for a… Continue Reading

Connecticut Homeowners, How Often Do You Change Your HVAC Air Filter?

Connecticut’s seasons run from one end of the spectrum to the other… we have blustery, cold winters and we have hot, hot summers… especially this past summer. Did you know that July 2012 was the hottest summer on record in the last 60 years, not just in Connecticut, but in the continental US? These extreme… Continue Reading

ENT Heating & Cooling Company, Inc. is a member of the following organizations:
CT Heating & Cooling Contractors Association
Refrigeration Service Engineers Society
OSHA Outreach Training Program
International Ground Source Heat Pump Association

The following are just some of the Connecticut towns where ENT Heating and Cooling Company, Inc. provides residential and commercial heating and air conditioning services: Meriden, Wallingford, Cheshire, Hamden, North Haven, East Haven, New Haven, West Haven, North Branford, Branford, Guilford, Madison, Clinton, Killingworth, Orange, Milford, Woodbridge, Stratford, Shelton, Fairfield, Westport, Weston, Wilton, Durham, and Middlefield.
