ENT Heating and Cooling Co., Inc. is a premier provider of geothermal heating and cooling systems in Connecticut. We design, build, and install the highest quality heating and air conditioning systems utilizing geothermal technology.
So what exactly is a geothermal heating and air-conditioning system? Geothermal technology (sometimes called geoexchange but more often referred to as ground source heating and cooling) is a reliable and safe technology that uses the earth’s renewable energy to provide high-efficiency heating and cooling. In the winter, a geothermal system draws heat from the ground and transfers it to your home, thus heating it. In the summer, it extracts heat from your home and transfers it to the ground, thus lowering the temperature of your home. The hardware utilized in a geothermal heating and cooling system consists only of a heat pump connected to a water source such as a well or a series of small pipes buried underground. Well water or a water-based solution circulating through the pipes carries heat between the ground and the heat pump. This network of small diameter pipes can be hidden under your lawn or garden, or even your driveway. Your neighbors will never know that there’s a geothermal system in your yard. Geothermal technology preserves the natural beauty of your property.
No other HVAC system is more efficient than geothermal heating and cooling. Oil and gas HVAC systems require fuel for heat and a separate air conditioning system for cooling. Geothermal heating and cooling provides both heat and air conditioning in one extremely efficient system. Geothermal heating and cooling systems are environmentally friendly and energy-efficient, saving homeowners from 30 to 70% in the heating mode and 20 to 50% in the cooling mode compared to traditional oil or gas heating and cooling methods… making the installation of a geothermal system a smart investment for consumers. That smart investment is two-fold… you’ll save money by lowering your energy bills and you’ll increase the value of your home.
If you are building a new house or if you are considering a new heating and cooling system for your existing home, please consider the economical and environmental advantages of geothermal technology and call ENT Heating and Cooling today at 800-570-4520.